Cemetery Information

Cemetery Fees

Burial Plot$800.00

Single plot for one traditional burial or two cremation burials.

Grave Opening/Closing - Cremation$1,200.00

Opening/Closing for a cremation burial. Includes setup of tent, chairs, table and greens.

Grave Opening/Closing - Traditional$1,800.00

Opening/Closing for a traditional burial. Includes setup of tent, chairs and greens.

Mausoleum Interment$1,800.00

Traditional or cremation mausoleum interment. Includes setup of chairs and table.

After Hours Fee$250.00

This fee applies if you schedule a funeral after 3PM or your funeral service goes past 3PM on a Monday through Saturday (in addition to Opening/Closing fees).

Sunday Funeral Fee$350.00

This fee applies if you wish to have your Funeral on a Sunday (in addition to Opening/Closing fees).

Second Funeral, Same Day Fee. $950.00

This fee applies if you schedule two funerals on one day to cover equipment rental costs (in addition to Opening/Closing fees).


Calculated fee: length x width x 1.01. A 2% admin fee is added if you wish to be mailed an invoice instead of paying online at the time of ordering.

Headstone Move$350.00

This fee applies if a headstone longer than 32 inches and/or higher than 32 inches that needs to be relocated to open your grave or needs to be moved for any other reason.

On-Site Headstone Cleaning$150.00

Professional gravestone cleaning for a monument 42 inches and below (if your gravestone is larger than 42 inches, contact us for a quote). Schedule here.

Headstone Storage$10.00

Daily fee for headstone storage. Does not include any fees incurred for moving the headstone.

Deed Changes$50.00

This fee applies if you wish to have your deed changed (i.e. add/remove names).

Fee schedule effective 01 January 2023.

Funeral Scheduling

To schedule a funeral, fill out the Funeral Request form.

Funerals must be scheduled at least 3 business days in advance.

Funerals are held Monday - Saturday, 9AM - 3PM.

Funerals that go beyond 3PM will incur a $200 fee. Sunday funerals will incur a $300 fee.

Scheduling more than one burial per day will incur a $750 fee to cover rental expenses of additional equipment.


Funeral Directors
  • Fill out the Schedule a Funeral form. If you have any questions, give us a call: (610) 562-2129.
  • We highly recommend checking with cemetery staff and securing a date/time prior to confirming with the family. There may be another funeral scheduled or other issues beyond our control that impact our scheduling.
  • Interment fee and a copy of the Disposition Certificate is required either when scheduling or on the day of interment.
  • A copy of the completed Burial Information Form (if you did not submit your funeral request online via our Schedule a Funeral form). Download PDF Form.


Family Arranged Cremation Burials
  • Fill out the Schedule a Funeral form. If you have any questions, give us a call: (610) 562-2129.
  • Cremated remains must be intered in a MacKenzie Urn or a Cremation Vault.
  • Bio-Urns and the sprinkling of ashes is not permitted, by law on, St. John's Cemetery property.
  • Interment fee and a copy of the Cremation Disposition Certificate is required either when scheduling or on the day of interment.

Cemetery Restrictions

No planting of shrubs or trees anywhere on lots or cemetery property.

No ornamental decorations other that traditional cemetery decorations.

No rod-iron hooks or decorations for hanging baskets or flags permitted.

Any items not permitted or deemed offensive by cemetery staff will be removed without notice. Removed items will be placed next to the garage for 30 days. After 30 days items will be disposed of.